Advanced Autogenic Training A Practical Guide in six easy steps by Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc. |
Autogenic Training is the most effective way of self-hypnosis, which has been develoed by Dr. Schultz in the first half of the 20th century. It is a very effective way of self-induced ("auto-genic") states of very deep relaxation, which can be beneficial for body and mind. Quite to the contrary of hypnotically and self-hypnotically induced states of mind, you stay in total control during these extremely deep states of consciousness, which you can achieve with the help of Autogenic Training. These states of consciousness are deeper than can be achieved with most hypnotic and self-hypnotic methods as practiced presently. During this totally relaxed state of consciousness, which is extremely beneficial for body and mind, and in which you remain in total control, you can program yourself easily towards achieving a positive outlook and change of your general attitudes, towards success and harmony in life in general, and at the same time can use it to program yourself towards success in very specific situations. Since Autogenic Training was introduced by Dr. Schultz, this powerful method of self-help was taught throughout Europe, especially in Germany, where it originated. Using the traditional approach, anyone can master Autogenic Training within a few weeks. After my invention of the Chi generator®, I naturally could develop an advanced method of mastering Autogenic Training. Using a chi generator® or a chi-card®, you can enter the alpha-state rapidly, and therefore you can now master the deep and relaxed states of Autogenic Training rapidly. As a result of this extremely powerful new technology, |
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Before you Begin with Your Practice: Learn how to Cancel You are well aware of the fact that ideas, thoughts, and resolutions, have the tendency to materialize. Some people speak of thought forms that will eventually become reality. If you use the first training formula, i.e., 'my right arm is very heavy, certain changes will take place in that arm that last as long as you are in the Autogenic state. The formulas that follow induce other changes. When you end with your practice, you need to undo these changes. To undo these changes you need to cancel them. Even if you have felt nothing it is good to undo. This is so because sometimes the formulas may induce delayed reactions. You cancel by following the instructions that Dr. Schultz has given: |
Say: Arms firm, breathe deeply, open eyes. At the same time you can stretch and bend your arms vigorously, then breathe deeply and open your eyes. Canceling will not work as well if you open your eyes before you relax your arm muscles again. If you open your eyes prior to canceling, some feeling of heaviness or some other sensation may persist in your arms for some time. If you do not cancel correctly some heaviness may last for several hours, in rare cases even days. The more determinedly and conscientiously you cancel, the more effective the whole practice of Autogenic Training will be. Should you fall asleep while practicing, you need not cancel, of course. The same holds if you are suddenly interrupted during your practice, by the telephone or the doorbell, for example. In such a case you will suffer a brief shock that makes it unnecessary to cancel. |
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First Step in Autogenic Training: All practice of Autogenic Training is simple. You sit or lie comfortably, preferably in a relaxed state. The Chi Generator® points at you from the side, about the middle of your body or, better, you carry a transfer disk or a Chi-Card®. A good setting for the Chi Generator® is 7.83Hz. The first training formula that you use is: MY RIGHT ARM IS VERY HEAVY Left handed people will do well to use their left arm because they can relate better to it. Their formula is therefore: My left arm is very heavy. |
Keep repeating this formula mentally. When you are repeating the formula in your mind, it is good to do this as intensely as you can. You can imagine it written before you or you can hear someone speak the formula, or both. You may even imagine yourself writing the formula onto a poster board, see the letters moving, perceive them moving, whichever feels best to you. It is important that you concentrate on the training formula. Your imagination helps this concentration. Should sudden ideas, thoughts, memories and the like appear, it is important that you do not attach yourself to them and that you pay them very little or no attention. Simply disregard them and keep focusing on the training formula that you keep repeating. Concentration will come with practice. Repeat the training formula in your mind six times. Then you follow with I am completely calmAfter which you follow with another six times ofmy right arm is very heavyone time ofI am completely calmand so on.Should any unpleasant feeling occur during the practice, you should stop it with the proper canceling technique. Repeat the heaviness practice five to six times when you practice for the first time. You may also practice until you actually feel the heaviness. Usually the feeling of heaviness will come with the first practice. In some cases several practice sessions are necessary to induce this feeling. Do not continue unless you have mastered the heaviness practice. |
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Second Step in Autogenic Training: The induction of a feeling of warmth is aimed at relaxing the blood vessels. You should practice it after you have attained the feeling of heaviness. If you could not attain the feeling of heaviness after two weeks of practice, you can also proceed with the warmth formula. A feeling of warmth indicates that the blood vessels have relaxed and dilated. The warmth practice will have results that are superior to the results of the progressive relaxation technique. Progressive relaxation techniques are very much the practice of choice in guided meditation practices as well as in some methods to induce hypnosis. States of relaxation that you can achieve with Autogenic Training are considerably deeper and much more thorough than what you can achieve with progressive relaxation and related methods. |
The warmth practice of Autogenic Training will prove this point to you beyond the shadow of any doubt. Especially the practices that follow will show you the tremendous control and power that you can achieve with the practice of Autogenic Training. You induce the warmth as follows: I am completely calm (once) Cancel: Arms firm - Breathe deeply - Open eyes.Most persons have more ease in attaining the feeling of warmth than the feeling of heaviness. Should you not attain this feeling after two weeks of training, I suggest that you bathe your arm in warm water shortly before the practice or that you place your hand on a warm object. The remembered feeling of warmth can facilitate the attainment of actual warmth during the practice. Never use the formula 'my right arm is very hot.'The feeling of heaviness indicates that the muscles are relaxed. If your practice regularly, the feeling of heaviness will appear rather quickly and noticeably, as soon as you think of heaviness. The sensation of warmth is caused by the relaxation (dilation) of the walls of the blood vessels. It has been demonstrated that the feelings of warmth and heaviness are accompanied by actual physical changes. In other words, we are not dealing here with either a figment of the imagination of with a self deception. In fact, the arms will actually be slightly heavier as a result of increased blood supply into the relaxed, therefore, wider, blood vessels of the arms. For the same reason, the temperature of the arms increases slightly. Special thermometers have shown that the increase in the arm's temperature can be more than 3.6 degrees F, and even more in the hand, especially when the initial temperature was on the low side. Later you can learn powerful techniques to supply an increased amount of blood to any part of the body. The autonomic nervous system is such that the state of tension in one group of muscles communicates itself automatically to the adjacent group. The tension spreads and increases as a consequence. On the other hand, when the muscles of the arm are relaxed, this relaxation too influences other groups of muscles until relaxation spreads ultimately over the whole body. This desired extension of heaviness and warmth (relaxation of muscles and blood vessels) over the whole body is called "generalization." The more advanced the practitioner of Autogenic Training is the more heaviness and warmth appear as simple reflexes. At a later point of your training the feelings of warmth and heaviness may appear upon your intention to practice, even before you lie down and before you begin with the training. Once you are advanced, you can simplify your training formulas to 'arms very heavy' - 'calm' - 'arms very warm,' or 'calm - heavy - ...' With advancement you can also insert resolution formulas into your training while you are practicing. |
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Third Step in Autogenic Training: The two basic exercises of heaviness and warmth result in a definite shifting of your body experience. Calmness is induced, the blood pressure may be normalized, pains reduced, indigestion, constipation, etc., can be handled with more ease, chronic spasms may begin to dissolve. According to Dr. Schultz, improvement and even cure of some dysfunctions followed the practice of Autogenic Training. The experience of warmth influences the entire circulatory system, because the relaxation of the blood vessels tends to spread from the left arm to the coronary vessels. Consequently more blood and oxygen go through the heart and heart pains often disappear. It is possible to exchange practices three, i.e., the heart practice, and four, the breathing practice that you will find in the next section. |
The new training formula is the following: My heart beats calmly and regularly.Very sensitive people may use:My heart beats very calmly.It is dangerous to use the formula 'my heart beats very calmly and slowly.' The heart reacts very strongly to that and serious disturbances may result.When practicing the heart formula, you will likely discover your heart, i.e., you will learn to feel your heart. The full sequence of the exercises is now: I am completely
calm (once)
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Fourth Step in Autogenic Training: Even with just one or two sessions of the heaviness practice, usually your breathing becomes much calmer and more regular. The new formula is: MY BREATHING IS VERY CALMThis does not mean at all that you should now try to influence your breathing. Quite to the contrary, your breathing should self-regulate, i.e., it should determine its own rhythm. I advise that you abandon yourself to your own breathing. In other words: your breathing should just happen! Above all, avoid conscious and controlled breathing! If you have difficulties to do so, you may add to the formula 'it breathes me.' |
Persons who are tense or who are in an emotionally disturbed state breathe irregularly with respect to frequency and volume. In such instances I suggest that you use 'my breathing is completely calm and regular.' Adding the breathing formula to the practice, your routine goes now as follows: I am completely
calm (once)
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Fifth Step in Autogenic Training: After you have learned to relax your limbs and your chest organs, you proceed to calm down the abdominal organs with the following formula: MY ABDOMEN IS FLOWINGLY WARMorMY SOLAR PLEXUS IS FLOWINGLY WARM |
The abdominal muscles react very sensitively to the psyche to an extent that in moments of extreme fear some people can actually soil themselves. Consequently, people who are very tense suffer from constipation, indigestion, and similar disturbances. Even the digestive glands are sensitive to our emotional conditions. Often they fail so that we cannot digest our food. Then they simply demand that we relax first and then eat. The person who has frequent mood changes, whether he or she is aware of them or not, or who assumes faulty emotional postures, can easily make his or her body a "whipping boy." This leads to a determined attempt to gain control of the autonomous nervous system with the help of Autogenic Training. The solar plexus is part of the autonomous nervous system. It is the largest nervous network. It is located behind the stomach, in back of and to both sides of the mid spine. Being midway between the breastbone and the navel, the solar plexus regulates the function of the abdominal organs and transfers our moods to them. Subjectively you will feel a pleasant warmth in the upper abdomen while you practice Autogenic training. Sometimes the entire body becomes warm. Occasionally you may first experience the feeling of warmth in the kidney area. With this fifth practice, your training program looks as follows: I am completely
calm (once)
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Sixth Step in Autogenic Training: You are going to use the following formula: MY FOREHEAD IS PLEASANTLY COOLIncluding this formula, your complete practice of Autogenic Training is as follows: |
I am completely
calm (once)
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the full course in Autogenic Training: Takes one hour and ten minutes - if you do not have an orgone generator®, get a chi-card from, print it out and have it with you when practicing this online instruction, which I have given a few years ago You can find other courses on |
Information about Chi Generators® (Orgone Generators®)
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